Weekly Tarot Forecast for 9th – 15th June 2019 …. Have a blessed week ahead…!!

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(WEEK 9th – 15th JUNE 2019)

 ARIES : –   (22nd March- 21st April)

Financial growth is likely to strike you good in this week although in the initial phase you might be a little unsure about the new investment decisions and yet if you decide to go ahead, be rest assured success will knock your door for sure. Professional situation eases out as the week progresses. Health is an area of concern. You might feel a little lonely when it comes to dealing with your family. Travels are best avoided in this week. Matters of heart are pleasant though there still are few things that are bothering you internally. A focused approach by the end of the week shall be pleasant and rewarding.



TAURUS: (22nd April – 21st May)

New investments shall be favourable and growth oriented. Health keeps you in a elated mood and you enjoy a good balance of mind, body and soul. Travels shall be favourable , however, there still are scope for further success in it. News related to love life might build up some anxieties in life. a woman who has worked hard to reach a position of success might be the one who would turn out to be a cause of concern in work area. Although, I also see another woman helping you out in life as the week comes to its close.



GEMINI:  (22nd May- 21st June)

Professionally, you witness growth and success and also new responsibilities being given to you. You will also take due steps towards the well being of your juniors and team members. New investments shall be rewarding. Matters of heart shall be extremely romantic and pleasant. You would want to shift to a better place with your loved one. Few bold decisions when it comes to family matters are the need of the hour. Travels are best avoided in this week. You might be attracted towards two lucrative options in life as the week comes to its end but the catch is that you can opt for only one of them. Following your inner instinct helps you in reaching at the right decision.

LUCKY COLOUR:  sunny yellow.  

CANCER:  (22nd June – 21st July)

Professionally, this is a great time to plan and work towards your future projects. Financially an extra effort from your end helps you in achieving success. Having a realistic approach towards life shall be instrumental in bringing success through your journeys in this week. Matters of heart indicates an average happiness in your life.  Hard work is the key to happiness in the last phase of the week.



LEO:  (22nd July – 21st August)

This shall turn out to be a romantic week for you. The transitions that you experience in your love life shall be instrumental in enhancing the romantic quotient in life. a fatherly figure helps you in your journeys that you make in this week. Professionally, there are anxieties and dealing with youngsters would be a tough job to handle. Expenses are on the higher side and could be also due to an elderly person. Health of a child can be a cause of concern in this phase of your life.



VIRGO: (22nd August- 21st September)

Financially there are growth patterns emerging and good news knocks your door as the week progresses. Professionally you need to relax more and should also learn to delegate few of your responsibilities to your juniors. A number of options will open up for you in matters of heart. The more you relax the better your health shall be. Ego clashes amongst family members can be tough nut to crack. Few stressful situation’s might develop when it comes to dealing with your family. Family and friends celebrate with you as the week comes to its end.



LIBRA: (22nd September- 21st October)

New beginnings and good news knocks your door at the work front all through this week. Finances however can be challenging to handle especially as a man who has a habit of taking quick decisions can cause you a lot of anxieties in this part of your life. Health keeps you in a fit shape. Promises made for travels might not be fulfilled and you should go ahead only if you have backup plans with you. Love life shall be romantically inclined all through this phase of life. a focused approach in life shall bring in fruitful results as the week comes to its end.



 SCORPIO:  (22nd October- 21st November)

Professionally, you shall be in a happy state and growth patterns emerge and bring you a lot of success and growth in life. Finances show subtle growth patterns as compared to your projects finishing in time. Matters of heart shall be romantically inclined and you would work towards moving on to a better stability or to a better place along with your partner. A woman will be a cause of concern while on a journey in this week. You need to learn to have a broader perspective to deal with family matters lest your own myopic approach suck you down with anxieties and restlessness. Being firm in your approach helps you in taking corrective decisions as the week comes to its end.



SAGGITARIUS:  (22nd November- 21st December)

Professionally, you will won over your enemies and this is the time to triumph out of your adversities of life. people will acknowledge your growth and success during this period. Expenses are on the higher side during this period. A feeling of being ignored and left out shall be high in matters of your heart. Legal matters if any can go against you. Health improves and the gut level takes a healthy U turn. Children in the family can still be a cause of concern in life. you shall enjoy emotional empowerment as the week comes to its end.



CAPRICORN:  (22nd December- 21st January)

Professionally you enjoy growth and will be appreciated even by your contemporaries for your insights and decisions. Financial gains come through proper planning and meticulous approach in life. health too keeps you in a fit shape all through this phase of life. your family standy by you and shall be a strong support system in your lfie. Travels will be favourable and enjoyable all through this period. Matters of heart shall need more patience and wisdom from your end to bring in peace and happiness in life.



 AQUARIUS:  (22nd January- 21st February)

New beginnings in the family shall be fruitful and bring you a lot of peace and harmony in life. Children bring good news in life. travels made during this week after due planning are a sure shot success stories to reckon with. Health too keeps you in a fit shape all through this period. Matters of heart need an extra effort from your end to build up peace and harmony in romantic life. news related to your work can be a bit depressing. Expenses are also on the higher side in this phase of life.

LUCKY COLOUR: pearl white

 PISCES:   (22nd February- 21st March)

Financially this is an excellent week to be in, though you might be a little confused initially related to new investments. Business journeys for money matters shall bear rewarding fruits. Health keeps you in a good shape and you also enjoy being in the company of your family who are a strong factor in rejuvenating your mind, body and soul. You shall come across a number of opportunities to enhance peace and harmony amongst your family members. Travels keep you extremely busy as the week comes to its end.

LUCKY COLOUR:  Pale yellow

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