Pitra Paksh (पितृपक्ष) starts from 17th September 2024 – Dates, Puja , rituals and its Significance…!!…

PitraPaksh (पितृपक्ष) Dates, Puja and its Significance…!!…

‘Pitrapaksha’ is a beautiful and sacred time to offer prayers to our ancestors and release all ancestral curse that runs in our family by doing their Shanti pujan etc… Just before Shaardiya Navratri , a 15 day time period is dedicated for our ancestors  in our Shastras. it is believed that our ancestors come to ‘Bhuloka’ – Mother Earth from Pitruloka and try to connect with their offsprings and lineage to seek their prayers and offerings so that they are able to continue in their eternal journey towards attaining Moksha….

When we offer prayers and Pind Daan for them , do meditation and do charities on their name , we are blessed by them in return and our life becomes easier and  the world becomes happier place to live in.

A lot of us have pitrudosha that is reflected in our horoscope due to which we face many unnecessary obstacles and hurdles in life… By offering our prayers and doing tarpan for our ancestors during these 15 day period of Pitrapaksha , we are able to relate these ancestral curse and are able to lead and peaceful life ahead.

In 2024 , the period for offering prayers, tarpan and doing charities in the name of ancestors is starting from 17th of September and shall culminate on the 2nd of October 2024. 

Pitrapaksh is one such period in Hindu lunar calendar which dedicates 15 days to its ancestors. Pitra means ancestors and paksh” means period or a fortnight phase of lunar month. In Hindu lunar calendar, Pitrapaksh starts from the month of first day of Krishna Paksh of Ashwani to Amavasya of the same month.

This period is also called as Mahalaya paksh or the period of Salvation of the Soul. These days are considered as appropriate days to perform post death rites like shraddh, tarpan, charity etc. This is a period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors by offering them food and water.

Auspicious activities like marriage, Mundan, entering a new house, starting a new business etc are avoided during Shraddh period and only activities related to Prayers, Puja, Havan, charity  etc in the name of ancestors are done in this period.

Pratipada Tithi Begins – 08:04 AM on Sep 18, 2024
Pratipada Tithi Ends – 04:19 AM on Sep 19, 2024
Pratipada Shraddha is on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
The best time to offer prayers and Pind daan along with Tarpan is in –
Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat – 11:50 AM to 12:39 PM
Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat – 12:39 PM to 01:28 PM
and Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal – 01:28 PM to 03:55 PM

Shraddh period starts from 17th September and continues till 2nd October in 2024.  Shraddh rituals are done during the mid afternoon period and is over before the Aparahna muhurat . 

The best time to perform the rituals on the Sarvpitra Moksha Amavasya is from 11:46 am – 3:43 pm.

Sarv Pitru Moksha Amavasya Shraddha is on 2nd October, 2024
Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat – 11:46 to 12:34  
Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat – 12:34 to 13:21
Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal – 13:21 to 15:43

Shraddh Dates in 2024:

Purnima Shraddh : 17th September

Pratipada Shraddh : 18th September

Dwitya Shradhh : 19th September

Tritya Shraddh :  20th September

Chaturthi Shraddh ( Maha Bharani Shraddh) : 21st September

Panchami Shraddh   : 22nd September

Shashthi Shraddh : 23rd September

Saptami Shraddh : 23rd September

Ashtami Shraddh : 24th September

Navmani Shraddh ( Matru Navami)   : 25th September

Dashmi Shraddh : 26th September

Ekadashi Shraddh: 27th  September

28th September : No Shraddh date

Dwadashi Shraddh ( And Magha Shraddh) : 29th September

Gajachchaya yoga : 4:47 pm ( 29/09/24) – 6:19 am ( 30/09/2024)

Trayodashi Shraddh  : 30th September

Chaturdashi Shraddh :1st October

Sarvpitru Amavasya shraddh/ Mahalaya Shraddh : 2nd October

Gajachchaya yoga : 12:23 pm (2nd Oct) –  12:18 am (30/09)

There is two Gajachchaya yoga in 2024 for Shraddh . Gajachchaya yoga forms when Sun is in Hast Nakshatra and Moon in Magha Nakshatra during Trayodashi Tithi during the day or When Sun and Moon both are in Hasta Nakshatra in Amavasya Tithi.

This year one will have an auspicious opportunity to witness Gajchchaya Yoga on both the dates. 


These fifteen days are a period of austerity for the person who offers food and water for their departed ones. The Shraddh period starts from Purnima tithi but the actual Tarpan etc is performed from Pratipada Tithi. Therefore ,  starting from the first day ie the pratipada tithi, one should take bath in the morning, wear a Kusha Grass ring  and facing southwards  should offer water along with black sesame seeds and rice grains in it ,  to all the ancestors especially the ones who have died on the pratipada tithi of any paksha.

One should also offer kush ( a kind of grass considered sacred in Hinduism), rice, flowers, black sesame seeds, sandalwood paste , barley to the ancestors along with water. One can also make food in the name of the ancestors and feed it to a Crow, a Cow, a Dog, an Ant and a Brahmin on their name.

It is believed that it relieves the hunger and thirst of the departed soul and helps them on their onward journey for salvation. By doing this; in return the performer is also blessed by the ancestors and their karmas are expiated too. Since the offspring is praying for the peace of the departed soul/s, the ancestors in return bless them with peace, happiness, success, wealth and good health in return.


Significance of Pitrapaksh in Hinduism.

Sanatan Dharma, is one of the oldest existing religion in the world, and yet more than a religion; it is a philosophy of life which is followed as per the way of life described in the sacred scriptures of the Vedas and the Puranas.  Amongst the rituals and rites in Sanatan Dharma; more popularly also known as the Hindu culture, there are rituals for every phase of Soul’s journey from prior to its birth as a human being and onwards to its integration with the Divine Supreme.

The theory of Moksha (salvation) and re-incarnation are explained in details in such sacred texts; along with explanation on rituals that can help in expiating one’s negative karmas and sins so as to achieve oneness with the Divine Supreme as a culmination of one’s final journey.

According to the Sanatan way of life, a Soul’s journey to attain Moksha continues even after it leaves the physical body. Offerings and rituals as prescribed in the sacred texts when performed by the offspring/s helps in the Soul’s final integration to the Divine Source.


Text References of Shraddh from Purana’s  :

According to the Garud Purana, it is believed that during this time, the Pitra’s (ancestors) who live in “Pitra-loka” take a journey back to the earth and visit their offsprings for cleansing their sins and for expiating their karmas. Any offspring who offers  food and does Tarpan ( libation of water)  for his ancestors especially for three generations before them, helps their ancestors by providing them enough strength for moving on to their further journey for salvation. During these entire period of 15 days, all the Pitras are remembered and prayed for so that attain final liberation from this cycle of birth and deaths.

The details on Pitrapaksh have been mentioned in various ancient texts especially the Garud Puran, the Agni Puran, the Matsya Puran, The Vayu Puran etc.

Shraddh Legend: 

According to the legend, Kunti Putra Karna, the hero of Mahabharata could not get any food on his onward journey after he left his physical body. He was offered gold and silver but no food. It is said that since he only donated gold and silver to people but never had a chance to donate food to anyone, he was not offered food on his soul journey. Karna, then prayed to Lord Yama (Lord of Death) for quenching his thirst and hunger. Happy with his prayers Lord Yama granted him 15 days to go back to the earth and do the needful.

On his journey back to the earth, Karna, then donated a lot of food and water during these fifteen days. Looking at his dedication to donate everything he had, Lord Yama also ordained that any one who offers food and water for the departed souls during this period shall be instrumental in expiating their negative karmas and any such acts shall benefit all the departed souls whether they are related or not to the performer.

Apart from offerings made to one’s ancestors, one should also make offerings for Bhishma pitamah. Since Bhishma Pitamah was a Brahmachari( Bachelor) , on his death he got a boon from Lord Krishna that offerings made by any living being for their ancestors shall be accepted by the Divine Supreme Lord only when the offerings were also made to Bhishm Pitamah.

Although, the Shraddhs followed on these fifteen days are of utmost importance, they are not constrained to only these 15 days in the lunar calendar. There are a number of other Shraddhs too which are performed throughout the year ; like the Naimishik sharaddh, Nitya Shraddh, Kramya shraddh, Daivik Shraddh, Vriddhi shraddh, sapind shraddh etc to name a few are performed for ancestors throughout the year.

Samvatsar shraddh is performed on the lunar tithi (date based on lunar calendar) when the ancestor has died. If lunar dates of the deceased person is not known than these 15 days of Ashwin Krishna paksha are assigned for the shraddha.

Another important date during these pitrapaksh periods is the “Mahalaya Amavasya” or the last day of the shraddh which is a no moon day too. Mahalaya also means great destruction, which is a signification of the deaths of many a Rishi’s and Devas during the churning of the sacred sea for the sacred nectar. On this Amavasya, one should perform puja for all the deceased whose lunar dates of their departing the body are not known.  On this date shraddh can be performed for anyone.



During Pitrapaksh, no auspicious things are performed; new beginnings of any kinds are prohibited. Marriage, engagements, entering a new house or buying a new property are all also prohibited during this period. Some also observe penance by turning vegetarian, not shaving their beard or by not cutting their hair and also abstaining away from any vices.




Pitrapaksh Shraddh is also known as Sarva Pitru Moksha  Shraddhas and the best and the most auspicious times to perform the rituals are the Kutup Muhurat, Rohina & Aprahana time ie during mid day and afternoon timings…

During these 15 days of shraddh , one performs Shraddh for the deceased on the Tithi ( Day) the person has died based on the lunar calendar irrespective of whether it was Krishna Paksha or Shukla Paksha time period. It is the Tithi that is of utmost significance. If one is not aware of the tithi then one should perform Shraddh for the person on the last day i.e. on Mahalaya Sarvpitru sharaddh day. Shraddh for the person who has died on a purnima tithe  is also done on Mahalaya Sarvpitru Moksha Shraddh day . 

The first day of Pitrapaksha is also dedicated to one’s maternal side. One can offer prayers and all the other offerings on their name along with all the deceased in the family who have died on the pratipada tithi especially Nana and Nana i.e. maternal Grand parents. 

Mahabharni Shraddh is generally observed during chaturthi (4th day) or panchami tithi (5th day) and is an important day for performing rituals as Lord Yama rules this Nakshatra (constellation).  In 2024 Mahabharni Shraddh falls on the Chaturthi Tithi ie on the 21st of September. 

The Navami Shraddh also known as MatruNavami or Dokra Navami or the 9th day of the Shraddh is significant as on this day offerings for all the female deceased members in the family can be made. This will fall on the  25th of September 2024.

Similarly on the Ashtami tithi ( 8th Day) shraddh for all the male members can be performed.

Ekadashi Tithi : The Shraddh is done for all people who have taken Sanyas or renunciated the world and do not necessarily have to be your blood relative.

Dwadashi Tithi is suitable for doing shraddh for all the ancestors who have taken Sanyas or have renunciated the world before their death. This is also known as Sanyasi Shraddh .

Magha Shraddha is done during Pitru Paksha when Magha Nakshatra prevails during Aparahna Kala.

Trayodasi shraddh ( 13th Day) is specially performed for all the deceased children.

Chaturdashi shraddh is performed for all the deceased who have died sudden deaths like road accidents, suicide or died due to a weapon etc..

The 15th day or No Moon day is SarvaPitra Moksha Shraddha. It is also the time when one can perform offerings for all the childless ancestors, unknown ancestors. If one does not know the lunar date of their ancestors then on this Mahalaya Amavasya or “SarvPitra Moksha Amavasya”, offerings for all the deceased both male and female can be made together.


If you have been suffering from Pitra Dosha then this is an excellent time to expiate it by means of performing rites for the peace and happiness of all your ancestors . This helps in expiating the effects of Pitru Dosa reflected in one’s horoscope.

Do not forget, that this is a beautiful time for paying obeisance to one’s forefathers, remembering them with love and doing charitable deeds on their names. Meditating daily and sending them healing energies helps in cleansing their karmas and also helps in elevating them in the path of their salvation.

Thank you,

Nandita Pandey

AstroTarotloger, Spiritual Scholar – Guide

soch.345@gmail.com ;  #91-9312711293

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