( 03.06.2019 ) wishing you all a beautiful Shani Jayanti , Somvati Amavasya, Vat Savitri fast …… आप सभी को शनि जयंती , सोमवती अमावस्या , वट सावित्री व्रत की अनन्त शुभकामनाएँ ..!!

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Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed Shani Jayanti , Vat Savitri Fast and Somvati  Amavasya… ( 3rd June 2019 )
Today is a beautiful day to expiate one’s karmic debts by doing charitable activities… doing charity on the name of your ancestors helps in cleansing their blockages and also blessed you with good fortune in return…
Today is Shani Jayanti … offer food and money to someone in need  or a beggar today. since it is also Shani Dev’s birth anniversary , it is also a beautiful time to appease him by offering him black sesame seeds, black urad daal , mustard oil , iron utensil or nail, black cloth etc…
chanting Shanti mantra expiates the negative impact of Saturn if one is suffering from Saturn Saadesaati ( seven and half year period of Saturn transit) or Saturn Dhaiyya ( 2 and half year period) . the mantra to appease Saturn is as follows:
” Aum Praan Preen Praun sah shanaishcharaaye namah ” 
one can also chant the following Saturn mantra :
” Aum neelanjan  samabhasam , ravi putram yamagrajam, 
  chayamartand sambhutam , tam namami shanaishcharam” 
“ॐ नीलांजन समाभासं रवि पुत्रं यमाग्रजम |
  छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम ||”
Both the aforesaid mantra should be chanted 108 times each… offerings to Shani Dev is done late in the evening.. light mustard oil diva in front of Shani dev and chant the aforesaid mantra also offering him the aforesaid offerings..
light a diya ( earthen  lamp) beneath a Peepal tree tonight seeking blessings and protection… repeat it for seven saturdays to remove blockages from your life..
Today is also Somvati  Amavasya i.e. an Amavasya tithe / date falling on a Monday the day of Lord Shiva ( the Lord of Nirvana)  .. the significance of this day is its extremely Nirvanic auspiciousness…  Although the main Mauni Amavasya falls on the month of Magna ( January) ,  serious seekers do follow silence on this day i.e. Maun means silence.. Since this is an amavasya falling on  Monday, it is very auspicious to follow silent fasting and offering  prayers to one’s ancestors…..
This is a very powerful day to expiate one’s negative karma that one is born with in this life time..
In the morning , it is very auspicious to take holy dip in the Hole rivers and in doing Tarpan ( water with sesame seeds is offered to them in the morning)  for your ancestors helps in expiating their blockages and brings them Moksha (Divine Bliss) …  In the evening , light an earthen lamp filled with mustard oil in the open terrace or balcony of your house . keep a handful of rice grains and put this earthen lamp on top if it.. the light should be facing South direction. when you light this lamp , sink of your ancestors and seek their blessings..
Doing charity today on the name of one’s ancestors helps in cleansing their karmic debts and also in building your good fortune.
Today is also Vat Savitri fast which is followed in the northern India where married women take fast for the wellbeing of their husbands and for the well being of their children.. offering food to needy people and seeking blessings of Goddess Savitri . The story of Satyawaan and Savitri is read and blessings of Yamraj is also sought. women seek blessings from ‘Vat’ tree where it is believed that all the three Gods , Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh resides.. they tie the Holy thread around the tree praying for wellbeing of their husband and children.
overall its a beautiful day to follow charitable activities.. also mediating today and sending healing light to all the ancestors and to all  the sentient beings of the earth cleanses one of deep karmic debts and also brings love and light in his/her life..
Have a beautiful day…!…
आप सभी को शनि जयंती , सोमवती अमावस्या , वट सावित्री व्रत की अनन्त शुभकामनाएँ ..!!
आज किए गए दान कर्म अत्यंत पुण्यदायक होते हैं .
शनि साड़ेसाती या फिर ढैय्या से अगर पीड़ित हैं तो आज शनि दान अवश्य करें , शनि का शान्ति मंत्र पड़ें।
“ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैशचराये नमः ” (इसका १०८ बार जप अवश्य करें)
आज, पितरों का तर्पण परिवार में शुभता लेकर आता है … उनके नाम से भी आज दान पुण्य अवश्य करें . किसी ग़रीब को भोजन करवाएँ .
आज ध्यान (meditation) कर अपने सभी पूर्वजों की मोक्ष की प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए एवं समस्त जन जीवन के उद्धार के लिए ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करें … ऐसा करने से आपके जीवन में शुभ संयोग बनते जाएँगे एवं सुख समृद्धि प्राप्त करेंगे …
आज के दिन मौन व्रत धारण कर ईश्वर का सानिध्य प्राप्त करें , जीवन में कष्ट दूर होंगे ।
आज वट वृक्ष के पूजन का विशेष विधान है .. पीपल की तरह वट वृक्ष में भी ब्रह्मा , विष्णु एवं महेश वास करते हैं , विवाहित स्त्रियाँ अपने सुहाग एवं संतान के लिए आज विशेषकर व्रत रख कर पूजन करती हैं . संध्या को सावित्री -सत्यवान की कथा एवं यम देव का पूजन किया जाता है ।
आपका दिन शुभ एवं मंगलमय हो ..!! ?

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