Instant Tarot Guidance

Free Tarot Guidance/

Sometimes you just want a simple, straight-forward answer instead of endless predictions on who, what, where, when, and why. When you demand a quick “Yes” or “No” answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.

Take deep  breath, think about your question, click on the cards below and put the mystery to rest…!!

PS : The cards used are Rider and Waite cards….

Pick A Card

Pick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your cardPick your card

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